The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Scott Pruitt suggests he will restrict scientists who get EPA grants from advising the agency

October 17, 2017 at 7:44 p.m. EDT
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt  at the Concordia Summit in New York last month. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters)

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt hinted Tuesday at plans to rid the agency’s scientific advisory boards of researchers who get EPA grants, arguing that the current structure raises questions about their independence.

“What’s most important at the agency is to have scientific advisers that are objective, independent-minded, providing transparent recommendations,” Pruitt told an audience at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “If we have individuals who are on those boards, sometimes receiving money from the agency … that to me causes questions on the independence and the veracity and the transparency of those recommendations that are coming our way.”