The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Partisan clash on Obamacare raises specter of government shutdown

October 15, 2017 at 2:48 p.m. EDT
On Oct. 15, members of both parties had sharp words on the executive order on health-care President Trump signed on Oct. 13 and called for Congressional action. (Video: Meg Kelly/The Washington Post, Photo: Melina Mara/The Washington Post)

Democrats accused President Trump of trying to sabotage the nation’s health-care system through his decision to halt payments to insurers that are meant to shore up the system, while Republicans countered Sunday that Trump is just pushing for a hard bargain.

Trump’s decision, announced Friday after months of criticizing the payments as an insurance industry bailout, will throw into doubt the private insurance exchanges that are part of the Affordable Care Act. Democrats vowed to use year-end negotiations on the federal agency budgets as a leverage point to reinstate the payments, promising to pin the political blame on Republicans if premiums skyrocket next year.