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Kentucky Teachers Stage 'Sick Out' to Protest Legislature

The "sick out" was organized by the group KY 120 United, a reference to the state's 120 counties, which encouraged teachers in a Facebook post Wednesday night to call in sick.

By Associated Press

At least six Kentucky school districts were forced to close Thursday — including the two largest systems in the state — as a wave of teachers called in sick to protest what one leader called "half-truths" and "shadiness" at the state legislature.

The "sick out" was organized by the group KY 120 United, a reference to the state's 120 counties, which encouraged teachers in a Facebook post Wednesday night to call in sick.

Within hours, the state's two largest school districts in Jefferson and Fayette counties announced they would close because they did not have enough teachers to cover classes. Districts in Marion, Carter, Letcher and Boyd counties were also closed Thursday. In Fayette County, officials said at least 40 percent of teachers called in sick.

The protest comes on the same day lawmakers in the Republican-controlled state legislature were scheduled to discuss House Bill 525, a proposal that would change how people are nominated to the Kentucky Teachers Retirement System's board of trustees. But Nema Brewer, one of the group's leaders, said the protest is not targeting one specific bill.

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