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5 Unanswered Questions After FBI Hacks iPhone Without Apple's Help

Updated Mar 29, 2016, 08:03pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

You’ve probably heard by now that the FBI has allegedly cracked into the infamous iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter and has withdrawn its case against Apple. In my opinion, the FBI never really had a chance against Apple in court and backed down rather than face the public humiliation of losing.

Regardless, though, there are a number of implications from this new turn of events and a few unanswered questions. Let’s dig into five of these questions.

1. Did the FBI really hack into the iPhone?

We don’t know. The FBI is not revealing the name of the hackers or company it supposedly engaged to help crack into the iPhone, nor is it sharing any details of the hack itself. All we have at this point is the FBI’s word, but it’s also possible that the FBI hasn’t actually hacked the iPhone but is simply saying it has to save face as it backs out of its legal battle with Apple.

2. If so, was it a revelation or did the FBI know all along it could be done?

The FBI claims that a number of hackers—both legitimate security researchers and complete nutjobs—stepped up to offer to assist the FBI in the wake of Apple’s legal stonewalling. That is probably true. However, anyone who works in computer and information security knows that there is no such thing as invulnerable security and every device and operating system has vulnerabilities that can be exploited. The FBI should have known before it even started its legal battle with Apple that there are ways to access the device without Apple’s help, so it’s possible the FBI actually had a hack (or three) all along.

3. Is there actually any information of value on the iPhone?

My money is on “No”, but we may never know for sure. The shooters made an effort to destroy their own mobile devices and PC hard drives to cover their tracks, so I highly doubt they left behind a treasure trove of terrorist intelligence information on a government-owned iPhone that they most likely assumed was being monitored in the first place.

For intelligence and national security reasons the FBI has a vested interest in not revealing any such details right now if there was any worthwhile information on the device. To protect its own reputation and prevent any further negative fallout from the legal circus with Apple, the FBI also has a vested interest in not revealing that the device actually had no information of value.

4. What impact does the hacked iPhone have on Apple?

The whole situation has the potential to adversely affect Apple. The company has a reputation for security in its devices and software. The FBI could have quietly hacked the device—which would also have been better from an intelligence perspective so that the world doesn’t know the FBI has that capability—but because it did so in a very public way it might tarnish Apple’s reputation. On the other hand, as mentioned above there is no such thing as an invulnerable device or platform so it would be naïve to expect the iPhone to be completely unhackable, and Apple still wins bonus points for standing up to legally questionable demands from the government.

5. Is this issue actually resolved?

Probably not. It’s on indefinite hold because this wasn’t really about this iPhone. Richard Clarke, former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counter-terrorism for the United States, told me he believes that this was all about the FBI seeking a precedent—and I agree.

Intelligence agencies and law enforcement run into encrypted devices all the time. This iPhone seems to have been chosen very specifically as the one the FBI wanted to force the issue on because it believed that it could play on the fear of terrorism to sway public opinion and establish a legal precedent that would empower the government to compel private corporations to cooperate. It misjudged, or as Clarke explained to me, “I think they realized they were playing a losing hand.”

The desire is still there, though. The government is still pushing for an encryption back door and there will be more iPhones to crack. Granted, the FBI (and other intelligence and law enforcement agencies) can always hack it themselves or find a hacker willing to do the work for them. However, I’m confident the issue is not resolved and that eventually another incident will present itself that leads intelligence or law enforcement to believe it can finally establish a legal precedent. I don’t think the issue will really go away until or unless it is decided by the US Supreme Court.

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