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After spending an estimated $1.5 million on a new and “improved” e-filing system just a few years ago, the executive secretary of the Georgia Ethics Commission is again requesting proposals for a new system.
Four in 10 school buses in New Jersey failed initial inspections, according to an analysis of 22 months of New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission records. Nearly 6,000 inspections led to buses being taken off the road.
  • Amanda Zurawski, regarding the lawsuit that she and more than 20 other women filed against Texas for its restrictive abortion ban. Zurawski was told that she had a condition which meant that her baby would not survive, but she was forced to wait until she was diagnosed with a life-threatening case of sepsis before an abortion was provided. The lawsuit didn’t aim to repeal the abortion ban, but gain more clarity on when exceptions are allowed. The Texas Supreme Court rejected the challenge unanimously. (Associated Press — May 31, 2024)