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New Jersey's Bipartisan Way of Boosting Transportation Funding

It was the calm Gov. Chris Christie who showed up Monday to a Laborers' International Union of North America hall to sign a supplemental bill releasing $400 million for immediate funding to the Department of Transportation for work on New Jersey's roads, bridges and transit.

It was the calm Gov. Chris Christie who showed up Monday to a Laborers' International Union of North America hall to sign a supplemental bill releasing $400 million for immediate funding to the Department of Transportation for work on New Jersey's roads, bridges and transit.


"That's what bipartisanship is all about," Christie said. "Everybody doesn't get everything that they want, but everybody gets some of what they need, and that's what we did with this bill."


The new bill delivers some $260 million in road construction funds and $140 million in transit construction funding.



Last July, the governor ordered all new construction work stopped as the Transportation Trust Fund ran dry without a new source of funding in place.


The governor spent the summer negotiating a deal that would raise the gas tax by 23 cents a gallon but trimmed the sales tax from 7 percent to 6.875 this year and dropped it to 6.625 percent in 2018, as well as eliminating the estate tax, easing state income taxes on many retirees and expanding an earned income tax credit for lower income families.

Caroline Cournoyer is GOVERNING's senior web editor.
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