Down with OTT? 3 ways this technology is a new must for education

eSchool News: There’s a new catch phrase in town, and it has massive implications for blended and online learning, especially as OER use begins to ramp up in schools and institutions across the country. It’s called OTT and yeah, you’re going to need to know it.

What Is It?

OTT stands for Over-The-Top technologies, or any technology that aids in the delivery of audio, video and media content via the internet, without requiring users to subscribe to ,or pay for, a traditional cable or satellite pay-TV service like a Comcast or Time Warner Cable. In other words, every device that is internet connection-capable can now be a television equivalent, (i.e. a human-centered and screen-deep learning environment). It’s important to note, however, that the internet service provider is not responsible for the content that is being distributed. The internet simply provides manageable access and distribution. Internet-capable devices often harness OTT through apps by third-party interfaces to deliver content. Just a few examples of OTT interfaces are Facebook, YouTube, Hulu, Skype, WhatsApp, and Amazon Video.

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