There Is Not Enough Transmission to Meet US Corporate’s Renewable Energy Demands

Renewable Energy World: According to a report released on January 16 by the Wind Energy Foundation (WEF), U.S. corporations have committed to signing deals resulting in 60 GW of renewable energy capacity being added to the grid in coming years. However, transmission planners are not accounting for this large uptick of potential near-term procurement.

Large U.S. businesses — including Fortune 500 companies — are increasingly acting on their publicly announced renewable energy goals as new utility-scale wind and solar energy projects are now often the lowest cost power available. According to the WEF report, a coalition of more than 100 corporate entities set a goal of purchasing 60 GW of renewable energy by 2025. The report estimates that the coalition still has some 51 GW left to purchase in order to meet that goal, and questions whether current transmission plans can accommodate the increase in demand.

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