5 Tech-Centric Legislative Trends Coming to Your State

Government Technology: State legislatures are fairly predictable creatures when it comes to the bills they propose each session. A thing — in this case technology — becomes a major focus in the public eye for one reason or another, and a flood of potential legislative solutions pour out of capital offices, each meant to address, improve or regulate some aspect of the larger issue. But when it comes to technology, there isn’t just a singular issue — there are facets that all seem to fold back to the larger conversation.

In recent years, we have seen efforts to get in front of the potential problems posed by autonomous vehicles and ridesharing companies, drones and data protection. And despite the varied approaches to these efforts, successes have been measured. The need to regulate is always balanced against the need to maintain momentum and keep the ball rolling in the right direction from a business vantage point. While most bills falter and die at the hands of the fickle legislative process, looking at the early drafts is a good indicator of what states are — or think they are — grappling with.

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