Mattis: US to keep nuclear triad for deterrence

Military Times: MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. — The nation’s nuclear deterrent posture will remain triad-based, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday in his strongest support to date of the vast modernization spending underway to develop next-generation nuclear submarines, bombers and ground-based nuclear missiles.

“I questioned the triad, and I cannot solve the deterrent problem reducing it from a triad,” Mattis said to reporters traveling with him. “If I want to send the most compelling message, I have been persuaded that the triad and its framework is the right way to go.”

Mattis was at Minot to talk to the missileers and bomber crews here to identify what readiness issues they are facing and what they think should be addressed as part of the Pentagon’s nuclear posture review. The review, directed by President Donald Trump in January, is assessing each element of the triad to see what needs to change to keep U.S. deterrent capabilities ahead of emerging threats.

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