Creating a Healthy Union-Administration Relationship

Inside Higher Ed: Six years ago when I came to our college, the relationship between the three unions on campus and the administration was fractured, to say the least. Members of the union often took to the press to air their concerns and grievances. There was little trust among the faculty, staff, and the executive team. Slowly, the relationship improved over the time that I have been at the college through concerted efforts by the entire community.

Coming into the role of president, I was intent on continuing to improve mending those relations and enlisting the unions, as well as others, as engaged partners in enhancing the effectiveness of the college. As an institution, our success around increasing access, improving student success rates, and addressing systemic problems is greatly enhanced by having a near-optimal working relationship and fostering a culture that supports collaboration, acknowledgment, and recognition of each other’s contributions—as individuals and as the groups with which we are affiliated.

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