New York Taking The Lead On Community Solar

Clean Technica: Should government be involved in commercial projects or should the private sector do all the heavy lifting itself? Maybe the answer is that public/private partnerships are society’s best way forward. Private entities get to make a profit while government makes sure the needs of the community are met. Rooftop solar is great for those who have roofs that face the right way, are pitched at the proper angle, and aren’t shaded by trees or nearby buildings. But what of those who don’t have roofs that are suitable for solar power systems? For them, community solar may be the answer.

Community solar allows people who can’t have a rooftop solar system to participate in the clean energy revolution. Instead of having panels on the roof of a home, they own solar panels in a remote location. It’s like having rooftop solar except the wires connecting the system to your home are longer. A lot longer, actually.

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