Tech, Open Data Are Crucial in Long-Term Recovery Following Hurricane Harvey

Government Technology: Hurricane Harvey has dumped trillions of gallons of rainwater on Houston, causing catastrophic flooding that's reaping destruction and death throughout the city. Recovery efforts are likely to continue for months, if not years, and now as they commence, experts are stressing that open data and tech are instrumental in the long process to come.

The most direct impact of big data is likely to be on damage assessment, a foundational step in distributing the insurance payouts and federal aid people need to get back into their houses, as well as in soliciting donations from the private sector and volunteers. By using geographic information system (GIS) mapping technology, responders can create a quick, thorough and easy-to-access dataset, one that shows stakeholders — from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to potential donors — who needs help, where they are, and exactly how much damage has occurred.

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